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As a specially trained Court Approved R. 1:40 Family Law Mediator, Bonnie Jerbasi can meet with couples and act as mediator for the issues that need to be resolved in order to get divorced.  In addition, mediation can be used for post-judgment issues and for relocation cases.

Exploring the Law and Benefits of Divorce Mediation: Pros, Cons, and More

The following are some of the benefits of mediation:

Divorce mediation is a process that provides couples seeking a divorce with the opportunity to resolve their issues outside of a courtroom. It involves a neutral mediator facilitating discussions to help the spouses reach mutually beneficial agreements regarding the various aspects of their divorce, such as child custody, support, and property division.

Understanding Divorce Mediation

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation involves the spouses and a mediator, who acts as an impartial third party, helping them to communicate, negotiate, and make decisions in a cooperative manner. Through mediation, couples can work together to address the legal and emotional aspects of their divorce in a more amicable setting, potentially reducing the emotional and financial strain typically associated with divorce proceedings.

Role of a Divorce Mediator

The mediator plays a crucial role in guiding the spouses through the mediation process. They facilitate communication between the parties, provide legal information (not advice), and assist in generating options for resolution. Additionally, the mediator may help the parties identify and prioritize their needs, ultimately working towards a settlement agreement that is fair and acceptable to both parties.

Divorce Mediation Process

During the divorce mediation process, the mediator helps the spouses explore various options and make informed decisions regarding child custody, support, and division of assets and liabilities.  Each case is different, sometimes mediation involves multiple mediation sessions and other times one or two sessions may get the job done.  The goal is for the mediator to assist the parties in reaching agreements on the key aspects of their divorce. The mediation process can be flexible, often allowing the parties to craft personalized solutions that meet their unique circumstances.

Pros of Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation offers several advantages for couples going through the dissolution of their marriage. One of the key benefits is the promotion of effective communication and collaboration. Through the guidance of a neutral mediator, spouses can engage in constructive dialogue, fostering a more cooperative approach to resolving their issues.

Additionally, divorce mediation is a cost-effective option compared to traditional litigation. The expenses related to court fees, attorney fees, and lengthy court proceedings are often minimized in mediation, making it a more affordable alternative for divorcing couples.

Furthermore, mediation can aid in the preservation of relationships, especially when children are involved. By working together to reach agreements, the process can minimize conflict and maintain a more amicable relationship between the spouses, which can be beneficial for co-parenting and future interactions.

Cons of Divorce Mediation

Despite its benefits, divorce mediation also presents potential drawbacks. One concern is the potential power imbalance between spouses during the mediation process. If one party holds a significant advantage in terms of negotiation skills or assertiveness, it may influence the fairness of the agreements reached.  However, an experienced mediator will be able to guide the negotiations and recommend that outside counsel be consulted if necessary.

Another drawback is the possibility of unresolved conflict. While mediation aims to resolve issues, there is a chance that certain matters may remain unresolved, leading to ongoing disputes and dissatisfaction for one or both parties.  An experienced mediator will be able to tell early on in the sessions if the case will not be a successful mediation candidate.

Moreover, the lack of legal representation in mediation can be a disadvantage, as neither spouse receives individual legal advice or advocacy. This absence of legal counsel may leave some individuals feeling uncertain or at a disadvantage when navigating legal matters during the mediation process.   However, couples always have the option to have a lawyer on the sidelines to give advice and review the draft agreement, so this drawback is easily resolved for little cost.

Legal Framework and Requirements

Legal Perspective on Divorce Mediation

When it comes to divorce mediation, there are several legal aspects to consider. Family law governs the mediation process, outlining the rights and responsibilities of each party involved. It provides a framework for addressing issues such as child custody, support, and division of assets. Understanding the legal perspective of divorce mediation is crucial for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Requirements for Divorce Mediation

Each jurisdiction may have specific requirements for divorce mediation. These requirements may include attending an orientation session, disclosing financial information, and participating in good faith negotiation. Familiarizing oneself with the jurisdiction-specific prerequisites is essential to initiate and navigate the mediation process effectively.  An experienced New Jersey mediator is trained and attends continuing legal education requirements so that the couples are easily guided through the process.

Divorce Mediation Agreements

Divorce mediation often culminates in the creation of a settlement agreement. This legally binding document outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by the divorcing parties. It encompasses the decisions made regarding child custody, support, and the distribution of assets and liabilities. The agreement serves as a roadmap for the post-divorce arrangements and may be submitted to the court for approval.  If your mediator is a licensed New Jersey attorney, you will have the option of having them draw up the Property Settlement Agreement, sometimes referred to as the Marital Settlement Agreement. 

Divorce Mediation and Custody Settlement

Impact of Divorce Mediation on Custody Arrangements

Divorce mediation can have a significant impact on custody arrangements. By allowing both parties to actively participate in the decision-making process, mediation often leads to more personalized and amicable custody agreements. This approach can foster positive co-parenting relationships and mitigate potential conflicts in the future.

Benefits of Co-Parenting Agreements through Mediation

Mediation facilitates the creation of co-parenting agreements that prioritize the well-being of the children. These agreements outline the shared responsibilities of the parents, including custody schedules, decision-making authority, and communication protocols. By fostering cooperation and mutual understanding, co-parenting agreements established through mediation can contribute to a supportive and nurturing environment for the children.

Comparative Analysis: Mediation vs. Litigation

Comparative Cost and Timelines

When comparing divorce mediation with litigation, one significant factor to consider is the cost and timelines involved. In the traditional litigation process, the expenses can mount rapidly due to attorney fees, court costs, and the prolonged duration of court proceedings. On the contrary, mediation tends to be a more cost-effective option, often requiring fewer sessions and thereby reducing the financial burden on the divorcing parties. Additionally, the mediation process can generally be completed more swiftly than lengthy court battles, providing a more efficient resolution to the divorce proceedings.

Emotional and Psychological Impact

Another critical aspect to contemplate is the emotional and psychological impact of the divorce process. Litigation often involves adversarial proceedings, which can intensify emotional strain and create a hostile environment between the spouses. In contrast, divorce mediation promotes a collaborative approach, fostering open communication and constructive dialogue. This can significantly reduce the emotional toll on the parties involved and help maintain a more amicable atmosphere, particularly beneficial when children are part of the equation.

Judicial Decision vs. Mutual Agreement

One prominent difference between mediation and litigation is the outcome – a judicial decision versus a mutual agreement. In litigation, a judge ultimately decides the terms of the divorce settlement, making the process inherently adversarial and leaving little room for the parties to shape the outcome according to their needs and preferences. On the other hand, mediation empowers the spouses to actively participate in crafting their agreement, lending a sense of control and ownership to the process.


Ensuring a Smooth Divorce Process

Overall, the comparative analysis underscores the importance of ensuring a smooth divorce process that minimizes financial strain and emotional upheaval. By considering the advantages of mediation – from cost-effectiveness to the preservation of amicable relationships – couples can embark on a constructive path towards resolving their divorce.

Empowering Couples to Resolve Conflict Amicably

Divorce mediation, with its emphasis on collaboration and communication, empowers couples to address their conflict in a more amicable manner, promoting mutual understanding and respectful resolutions. This approach can be instrumental in fostering a healthier post-divorce relationship and facilitating constructive co-parenting dynamics.

Future Outlook for Divorce Mediation

Looking ahead, the future outlook for divorce mediation appears promising, with an increasing recognition of its efficacy in resolving marital disputes. As more couples seek alternatives to traditional litigation, the continued evolution and refinement of the mediation process may pave the way for a more harmonious and efficient approach to navigating divorce proceedings.



The Law Offices of Bonnie Jerbasi  specialize in all areas of family law. If you are looking for a New Jersey family lawyer, please call (973) 459-5923 to schedule an appointment, or contact us online.    


I really appreciate what you did for us and it really saved us as we had been spending more than we had to end this relationship.  Thanks to you we were able to end it in a friendlier way through mediation.


33 Park Street Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: (973) 459-5923


Jerbasi Divorce Book